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Fully Integrated Maritime & Offshore software solutions

What we Offer

Norcomms offers complete solutions to all the processes of the Maritime industry whether it is shipowning functions, ship management functions, ship operations, ship accounting, ship broking, ship communications, ship chartering or ship weather routing.
All the various modules are natively integrated in a robust database combined with the respective modules.
Even though the modules are tightly integrated, each of the modules can work perfectly in the stand-alone mode also.

Advantages of Fully Integrated Maritime Systems

Being integrated, each of the modules in our system talk to each other internally, which reduces the need for paperwork.
The interface is also the same for all the users in the enterprise irrespective of their department. Access to the modules is controlled by the administrator, hence only the authorised person can access a particular module.


Integrated Shipmanagement Software
Integrated Maritime ERP


Shipmanagement Software
Integrated Headquarters Applications

  Marine Accounting and M.I.S.  
This module is designed for multi-company, multi-Group, multi-Currency accounting support. Reporting is available to perform all levels of
Consolidation. Novel architecture enables dynamic chart of Account

Support of Voyage Accounting and Analysis, Running Cost
Reporting, Cash Flow Analysis including accruals. Suitable for Ship
management, Ship owning, Ship holding Groups, Operators, Agents,
Bunker Traders, etc.

  Freight Collection Software  
Application Software specially designed for Post-fixture information,
Creating Debit Notes, Credit notes sent charterers, automatically
created vouchers for accounting and record non Debit Notes and Credit
Notes issued, recording charterer’s payments and preparing vouchers
for Accounting records etc. Keeping track of voyage revenues and expenses.

Reporting: Voyage results reports, Charterers statement-including all
movements for the specified charterer, Charterers Ageing Analysis report- Detailed, this report gives all Debit Notes, Credit Notes sent to charterer
and payments received by charterers. As the report’s name indicates,
full age analysis of outstanding amounts is given to in order to enhance
cash collection. Charterers Outstanding Analysis Report-Summary,
this report gives the total outstanding amount by voyage on T/C.

Note : Reports can be issued as per fleet category, per specified vessel and charterer, per specified vessel and specified range of charterers etc.

  Planned Maintenance Software for ships  

Application software specially designed for maintenance monitoring on
any marine or industrial plant. Provides flexible specification of required maintenance integrating with the spares usage. Integrates maintenance
with class surveys.

Permits decoupling of maintenance continuity from personnel changes.
Semi-annual concise maintenance and survey planning and full
maintenance plan for any required period.

Spare parts usage monitoring and future requirements prediction.

Our Planned Maintenance System is approved by the IACS members.

Including :
Survey Status
Application software specially designed for vessel survey
and recommendation status monitoring. All surveys are followed up with windowing capability. Checking of survey execution within allowed
windows is automated. Technical Department is informed at any stage
about vessel's survey and recommendation status, overdue surveys and
surveys due at any future date. -- Creation of the entire PMS, related technical
forms and Survey Status into the system for the entire fleet can be
outsourced to our Services.
These services are performed by Marine Chief Engineers having extensive
sea and rank experience. -- Remote management of the PMS can also be outsourced to our Services, where our Chief Engineers will monitor,
update and maintain the system for the client, leaving just the decision
making process with the client.

  Dry-Docking Software  
Our Dry-docking Module offers the creation of the dry-docking report, the
sending to the various shipyards for quotations, the evaluation of the quotes,
the final order placement and the follow up of the jobs done during the

Has a user friendly interface, utilising the “drag & drop” functionality which is offered by the Windows. In one screen the user can select, define and
create all that is required for the Drydocking report generation.

When the shipyards receive the files then they will be able to fill up their
quotes and send them back to the office. Also the user will be able to import
the quoted prices from the yards and thereafter from our Supplies Module to
do the yard comparison. All the Dry-docking information will be saved on
separate tables and in that way the user can retrieve historical information.

  Exchange Rates  
Exchange Rates is an easy to use application and contains all necessary
utilities to record, access and maintain historical and actual exchange rates.

  Synchronisation Module  

Application software specially designed to replicate data from office to
vessel and apply strict transactions control procedures including the
verification of business rules regarding the information received from
the vessel.

This design aims to guarantee the accuracy and reliability of the
corporate information preventing the crew onboard of performing
setting up work, risking the fleet wide consistency and integrity.

Our synchronisation module is totally independent of the communication
media, protocol and software system used to establish communication
between vessel and onshore locations. This concept offers your company
the flexibility to choose the most cost effective solution in the market
depending also on the operational pattern of the vessels.

For example, a tank operating at an area where mobile telephony is available
can use it instead of the expensive satellite communication. For a vessel
sitting in the port where the office is located, an updating using magnetic
media should be probably most appropriate. We have the expertise to fine
tune any communication system to our synchronisation module.

  Supply Cycle  
  Stores Control System
Application software specially designed for store supply for
shipping companies. Supports departmental division and follow up.

Provides automation of the complete supply cycle (Requisition-
Quotation-Order-Delivery-Invoice) without data transcription in any intermediate stage. Optimizes supply quantity and supplier selection process. Informs supply department with pending requisitions per department, critical stores requirements, requisition progress and
pending quotations, orders, deliveries, invoices.

Deliveries per department for time periods, historic prices. Evaluates quantity requirements with automatic units conversions. Complete
inventory with evaluation. Informs management with moving average
cash-flow requirements, covering last six months and projecting
next six.
  Spares Parts Control System  
Application Software specially designed for spare parts supply and integrated follow up for shipping and offshore companies. Provides automation of the complete supply cycle (Requisition, Quotation,
Order, Delivery, Invoice) without data transcription on any intermediate stage. Optimises supply quantities and supplier selection process.

Information is produced for the technical department and the
management. Technical department has full and easy control over requisition and order status pending quotations, orders, deliveries
and invoices. Also, complete inventory with evaluation and historical
prices paid or quoted. Management has moving average cash-flow requirements covering last six/three months and projecting next six. Complete cost analysis per system is obtained at any stage.
  Provisions Control System  
Application Software specially designed for provisions supply and
follow up for shipping companies. Provides automation of the
complete supply cycle. Requisition, quotation, order, delivery,
invoice, without data transcription on any intermediate stage.
Permits grouping per item/category and automatic substitution.

Optimises supply quantities, supplier selection, order allocation
and automatic ordering in accordance with model orders. Information
to supply department with pending requisitions critical supply dates, pending quotations, orders, deliveries. Deliveries for time period,
historic prices and actual/reference consumption analysis per
item/group. Informs management with actual/reference cost analysis
per day and man day. Shifting period cash-flow requirements covering
last six months and projecting next six.

The entire function of creating the Supply Cycle system, including but
not limited to, stores and provisions catalogue creations and
Machinery Spare parts catalogues can be outsourced to our
Services in India, where our data team will collect and harmonise
the data before creating them into the system under appropriate departments and catalogues.
  Vessel Budgeting System  
Application Software specially designed for the Accounting department
of a Shipping company. Designed to support all types of calculations
and the user can budget : Running Costs, Income, Profit, Financing
Costs, Credit Line, Voyage Budgeting, etc.

Consolidated budgeting for
a group of projects or group of companies and Historic Accounting
Information are included in the system.

  Payments Module  
Application software specially designed for Accounting Department.
Selection of Outstanding Payables due in certain period. Supports partial payments, on account payments and bank transfers.

Selection of Invoices, Prepayments and Credit Notes to be included at a
certain remittance. Supports Multiple banks for each Creditor for each
payment currency. Automatically creates Accounting Entry. Automatically
creates Remittance Advice Bank letter, Remittance Letter, Check etc.
Payments module can be customised to meet specifically your company

Reports: Outstanding per creditor, outstandings per currency and creditor,
list of outstanding items.

  Master's General Account  
Designed in order to facilitate the Operation Department of a shipping
company to automatically check Master's Accounts. Handles multiple
collective and individual crew agreements. Validates pay-slips received
from the Master. Processes monthly and extra allotments.

Produces wages, tax statements and records of crew ledgers. Calculates retroactive wages and updates the accounting system with relevant entries. Reports for various statistics are included. Generates automatically the list
with monthly payments.

  Vessel Crewing Software
Crewing Software for Ships
Application software specially designed for crewing departments or crew
agents. Provides historical performance record for each seaman, personal
card, seaman application, follow up.

Quick search for any combination of qualifications in seaman's personal
card and means for evaluating seaman point system reporting of past performance. Actual crew list by rank is obtained both present and past.
Actually available or not available crew by rank. Possibility of allocating
crew to vessels.

Planning Reports for on board and ashore personnel. Multiple crew list
generated for U.S. immigration and other authorities. Crew data population
into the system can be outsourced to our Services, where the relevant Crew applications, Crew Cards, certificates etc. can be prepopulated into the
database for the entire fleet.

  Voyage Estimation Software
(optional : Port Distances)
Designed to support all types of calculations associated to a Voyage
Estimation. Including a large and extensible port distances data base,
the system permits on line checking of more than one vessel for the
same job, Permits "What if" suppositions by interactive variation of all
associated figures when modifying one of the estimation parameters.
All necessary terms are already included in the system and easily retrieved.

  Voyage Operations Software  
Application Software specially designed for the operation department of
a shipping company as a decision making as well as a claims
support/ defence tool.

Performance monitoring in technical and financial terms with minimal
information required. Provides optimum passage speed calculation
with direct gain/loss calculation and optimum bunkering ports and
schedule with complete analysis and costs differentials.

Complete movements and daily reports with all specific and average figures. Charter party over/under performance evaluation in actual financial terms,
providing complete defence against claims. Informs management with
voyage financial reports and post voyage analysis. -- The function of
inputting the daily telegrams form the vessel to the system can be
outsourced to our Services, where our data centre receive these
telegrams from the client’s vessel and remotely update the system
within a specified time frame, allowing the client to view updated vessel
positions and consumptions at any point in time.

  ISM Software  
  Accident Reporter  
Recording of accidents and near-misses - Conditions, details
injuries recording - Statistical evaluations - Near miss correlation analysis - Accident causal analysis - Follow-up of accidents - Documentation control - Corrective action control - Graphical presentation of statistics.
  Safety and Audit Inspection  
Flexible definition of inspection items - Scheduling of inspections
per vessel- Planning of Inspector visits - Archiving of
inspections - Recording of Deficiencies.

(Optional: Archiving of inspections photos - Comparative/evolutionary item analysis - Quality/Safety deficiency reporting - Internal/Statutory audit follow-up).
  Drill Administrator  
Preparation of applicable drills per vessel type, flag and trade - scheduling of drills - Record Keeping - Participant recording.
  Seminar Administrator  
Scheduling of seminars - Allocation of participants - Record keeping
for execution and participation.
Our Services division in India can create the entire ISM manuals
of the Client into the ISM system with all the checks and version
control cleanly maintained. ISM forms are also created and
linked into the ISM system.

  ISM Administrator  

Our ISM package is designed so as to provide the launch platform
of the company preparation and certification to ISM requirements.
It provides the backbone of the efficient maintenance of the ISM
system once the company is certified and ensures continuity of compliance.

The degree of automation provided ensures that minimum
human intervention is required for application the closed - loop
principle of the ISM code. New tools in training and administrator
open new horizons not only in light of the ISM but in the most
efficient utilization of a company’s human resources on
board and ashore.

The basic structure of the ISM Administrator is consistent with
our Shipmanagement system for office and vessel. A complete
and integrated safety, quality and information system can be
built giving the shipping company the benefits of a unified
platform to build its competitiveness.

  ISM Manuals Administrator  
Version Control - Prior and future Version Generator - Distribution
control - Document oriented structure - Cross-referencing -
Shipboard, Professional and office manual integrated approach -
Search capability. (Optional: basic Approved Manual.)
  ISM Checklist Administrator  
Flexible specification of checklist items - version control - Distribution control - Frequency specification - Dynamic form generation from
checklist items. (Optional: Analysis of on board performance of drills
and procedures - Monitoring of safety system - Electronic transfer of
forms and results).
  ISM Training Assistant  
Preparation of training sessions - Creation of Company training
schemes - Preparation of Quiz - Evaluation of trainees - Multiple
choice interactive trainer - Manual Interactive instructor.
(Optional: basic ISM training package and quiz.).
  On-board Systems
Onboard Software for ships
Our on-board system is designed to provide ship officers with an easy and efficient tool to handle the majority of their daily administrative work.
The system relies on the “Shore based Shipmanagement” concept. Headquarters are the pivot point where information is collected.
This information is processed in conjunction with company policy and transferred back to the vessel in the form of instructions, checklists,
manuals and procedures.
Our On-Board System creates instantly all the Paper Work required according to the latest company procedures.
All required information is transmitted back to the headquarters for further processing. Implementing this unique Danaos concept, you can really
create a system that reacts instantly on any company’s policy change. The system additionally interfaces with machinery monitoring and bridge
equipment as well as with ship-to-shore communication systems.
  Spare Parts Control System  

Automatic creation of spares requisitions - Real time inventory control -
Minimum maximum stock control - Recording of spares to be repaired -
Deliveries handling with automatic inventory update.

  Provisions Control System  

Requisition creation - Inventory control - Minimum Maximum stock level
control - Deliveries handling - Spot Deliveries.

  Master’ s General Account  

Procedures payslips for all seaman according to National and contract -
Master Accounts- Cash on board - Allotments - Advances - Bonded Stores - Telegrams - Overtime etc.

  Vessel Synchronisation Module  

Application software specially designed to replicate data from vessel to
office and apply strict transactions control procedures including the
verification of business rules regarding the information received from the
office and configured for minimum ship to shore data transfer.

  On Board I.S.M.  

Safety manual search print and electronic update - Training session
presentation and quizzes - Transfer of results to headquarters- Scheduling
of Drills - Electronic write up and transfer of results. (Option : Predefined
check list and inspection forms fill up and data transfer to office.)

  Stores Control System  

Maintains records of all maintenance activities - prepares jobs plan for any
period - Allows chief engineer to update jobs completed - Creates
electronically job’s cards and the coded mail for the headquarters -
Last maintenance action reporting - Maintenance history reporting -
Emergency jobs handling - Spares usage.

  Stores Control System  

Creates Stores Requisitions - Departmental inventory control -
Minimum Maximum stock control - Deliveries handling - Spot Deliveries.

  Crewing System  

Active crew handling - Crew List preparation according to different standards - Crew qualifications and certificates handling - License seaman book and official documents expiry dates.

  Vessel Operations (Position Telegrams)  

Allows officers to electronically fill up and transmit to the office noon, arrival
and departure telegrams. (Optional : Port events log can be created according
to your company and trade standards for transmission to the office.

  ISM Checklist Generator  

On-board checklist generation and handling - Analysis of on-board procedures - Evaluation of safety system on-board - Electronic transfer of lists.

  Communications Systems and Shipping-related businesses  

Commuincations Software (Messaging and Collaboration Services)

The world of telecommunications is presently going through a period of extraordinary development. New services and technologies constantly
generate fresh opportunities especially for shipping industry. In the light of the above background, your telecommunications system will
become the basic resource for you to be truly competitive. Since external pressure and competitive threats are growing up, organizations who
use technology in innovative ways are better equipped to attack new markets more cost-efficiently and pro-actively than those who do not. This
software is based on the latest technology systems can substantially assist to solve persistent requests of companies, such as :

• Full management and control of their incoming and outgoing messages (Fax, Telex, Internet-mail, Ship to Shore Communication,
Voice-mail, Interoffice-mail, X-400, Refilers, SMS).

• Automatic Filing and Classification procedures of documents, always according to ISO’s requirements and company’s policy.

• Follow-up of workflow and of process performance.

• Easy search and quick presentation of information as per user’s request.

• Ability to forward information to other authorized users.

• Ability to immediately locate additional information, which is possibly dispersed in other documents and is relative to the initial
information requested.

• Remote access via Internet (Remote Info@GATE, Standard Web browser, Wap enable)

• Direct availability of information to the user wherever he/she is working on. (inside or outside of the company, at home, during a trip,
at the headquarters of a customer, etc.)

• Multiple security levels and absolute guarantee for top secret information whenever it is necessary.

• Keep statistics data and facilitate business decision making.

• Minimize movements of company’s files and distribution of endless stacks of paper from one desk to another.

• Decrease waste of precious time

• Reduce communication costs.

Additionally the software has been designed to provide:

• User –friendly interface under MS-Windows environment.

• HTML Editor – prepare, re-edit and transmit Internet e-mails with colour, links, embedded images, animations and sound.

• Document templates for standard messages.

• Alarm notifications with snooze option, using alert words.

• Open architecture and flexibility.

• Interfacing with other systems and subsystems.

• Support of databases (RDBMS).

• Support of intranets and Internet.

• Utilization of already existing infrastructure.

• Easy upgrade from LAN to WAN.

• Low cost of maintenance, since the software is managed by one Communication Server only.

• 24x7 Customer Support

Please contact us for the following software
Shipmanagement Software Document Management Software
Marine Accounting Software Ship Chartering Software
Bunker Purchasing Software Vessel Operations Software
Marine Crewing Software ISM Software for Ships
Ship's Planned Maintenance Software Vessel Crew Payroll Software
Vessel Bunkering Software Bulk Carrier Chartering Software
Integrated Ship Management Software Vessel Chartering Software
Offshore Crew Management Software Spares inventory on board
PMS Software for Rigs Laytime Calculations Software
Cruise Ship Maintenance Software Tanker Chartering Software
Shipbroking Software Trim Optimisation Software for Fuel Saving
Integrated Marine Software Voyage Estimation Software
Vessel Performance Monitoring Software Drydocking Software
Fully Integrated Maritime & Offshore software solutions

What we Offer

Norcomms offers complete solutions to all the processes of the Maritime industry whether it is shipowning functions, ship management functions, ship operations, ship accounting, ship broking, ship communications, ship chartering or ship weather routing.
All the various modules are natively integrated in a robust database combined with the respective modules.
Even though the modules are tightly integrated, each of the modules can work perfectly in the stand-alone mode also.

Advantages of Fully Integrated Maritime Systems

Being integrated, each of the modules in our system talk to each other internally, which reduces the need for paperwork.
The interface is also the same for all the users in the enterprise irrespective of their department. Access to the modules is controlled by the administrator, hence only the authorised person can access a particular module.


Integrated Shipmanagement Software
Integrated Maritime ERP


Shipmanagement Software
Integrated Headquarters Applications

  Marine Accounting and M.I.S.  
This module is designed for multi-company, multi-Group, multi-Currency accounting support. Reporting is available to perform all levels of
Consolidation. Novel architecture enables dynamic chart of Account

Support of Voyage Accounting and Analysis, Running Cost
Reporting, Cash Flow Analysis including accruals. Suitable for Ship
management, Ship owning, Ship holding Groups, Operators, Agents,
Bunker Traders, etc.

  Freight Collection Software  
Application Software specially designed for Post-fixture information,
Creating Debit Notes, Credit notes sent charterers, automatically
created vouchers for accounting and record non Debit Notes and Credit
Notes issued, recording charterer’s payments and preparing vouchers
for Accounting records etc. Keeping track of voyage revenues and expenses.

Reporting: Voyage results reports, Charterers statement-including all
movements for the specified charterer, Charterers Ageing Analysis report- Detailed, this report gives all Debit Notes, Credit Notes sent to charterer
and payments received by charterers. As the report’s name indicates,
full age analysis of outstanding amounts is given to in order to enhance
cash collection. Charterers Outstanding Analysis Report-Summary,
this report gives the total outstanding amount by voyage on T/C.

Note : Reports can be issued as per fleet category, per specified vessel and charterer, per specified vessel and specified range of charterers etc.

  Planned Maintenance Software for ships  

Application software specially designed for maintenance monitoring on
any marine or industrial plant. Provides flexible specification of required maintenance integrating with the spares usage. Integrates maintenance
with class surveys.

Permits decoupling of maintenance continuity from personnel changes.
Semi-annual concise maintenance and survey planning and full
maintenance plan for any required period.

Spare parts usage monitoring and future requirements prediction.

Our Planned Maintenance System is approved by the IACS members.

Including :
Survey Status
Application software specially designed for vessel survey
and recommendation status monitoring. All surveys are followed up with windowing capability. Checking of survey execution within allowed
windows is automated. Technical Department is informed at any stage
about vessel's survey and recommendation status, overdue surveys and
surveys due at any future date. -- Creation of the entire PMS, related technical
forms and Survey Status into the system for the entire fleet can be
outsourced to our Services.
These services are performed by Marine Chief Engineers having extensive
sea and rank experience. -- Remote management of the PMS can also be outsourced to our Services, where our Chief Engineers will monitor,
update and maintain the system for the client, leaving just the decision
making process with the client.

  Dry-Docking Software  
Our Dry-docking Module offers the creation of the dry-docking report, the
sending to the various shipyards for quotations, the evaluation of the quotes,
the final order placement and the follow up of the jobs done during the

Has a user friendly interface, utilising the “drag & drop” functionality which is offered by the Windows. In one screen the user can select, define and
create all that is required for the Drydocking report generation.

When the shipyards receive the files then they will be able to fill up their
quotes and send them back to the office. Also the user will be able to import
the quoted prices from the yards and thereafter from our Supplies Module to
do the yard comparison. All the Dry-docking information will be saved on
separate tables and in that way the user can retrieve historical information.

  Exchange Rates  
Exchange Rates is an easy to use application and contains all necessary
utilities to record, access and maintain historical and actual exchange rates.

  Synchronisation Module  

Application software specially designed to replicate data from office to
vessel and apply strict transactions control procedures including the
verification of business rules regarding the information received from
the vessel.

This design aims to guarantee the accuracy and reliability of the
corporate information preventing the crew onboard of performing
setting up work, risking the fleet wide consistency and integrity.

Our synchronisation module is totally independent of the communication
media, protocol and software system used to establish communication
between vessel and onshore locations. This concept offers your company
the flexibility to choose the most cost effective solution in the market
depending also on the operational pattern of the vessels.

For example, a tank operating at an area where mobile telephony is available
can use it instead of the expensive satellite communication. For a vessel
sitting in the port where the office is located, an updating using magnetic
media should be probably most appropriate. We have the expertise to fine
tune any communication system to our synchronisation module.

  Supply Cycle  
  Stores Control System
Application software specially designed for store supply for
shipping companies. Supports departmental division and follow up.

Provides automation of the complete supply cycle (Requisition-
Quotation-Order-Delivery-Invoice) without data transcription in any intermediate stage. Optimizes supply quantity and supplier selection process. Informs supply department with pending requisitions per department, critical stores requirements, requisition progress and
pending quotations, orders, deliveries, invoices.

Deliveries per department for time periods, historic prices. Evaluates quantity requirements with automatic units conversions. Complete
inventory with evaluation. Informs management with moving average
cash-flow requirements, covering last six months and projecting
next six.
  Spares Parts Control System  
Application Software specially designed for spare parts supply and integrated follow up for shipping and offshore companies. Provides automation of the complete supply cycle (Requisition, Quotation,
Order, Delivery, Invoice) without data transcription on any intermediate stage. Optimises supply quantities and supplier selection process.

Information is produced for the technical department and the
management. Technical department has full and easy control over requisition and order status pending quotations, orders, deliveries
and invoices. Also, complete inventory with evaluation and historical
prices paid or quoted. Management has moving average cash-flow requirements covering last six/three months and projecting next six. Complete cost analysis per system is obtained at any stage.
  Provisions Control System  
Application Software specially designed for provisions supply and
follow up for shipping companies. Provides automation of the
complete supply cycle. Requisition, quotation, order, delivery,
invoice, without data transcription on any intermediate stage.
Permits grouping per item/category and automatic substitution.

Optimises supply quantities, supplier selection, order allocation
and automatic ordering in accordance with model orders. Information
to supply department with pending requisitions critical supply dates, pending quotations, orders, deliveries. Deliveries for time period,
historic prices and actual/reference consumption analysis per
item/group. Informs management with actual/reference cost analysis
per day and man day. Shifting period cash-flow requirements covering
last six months and projecting next six.

The entire function of creating the Supply Cycle system, including but
not limited to, stores and provisions catalogue creations and
Machinery Spare parts catalogues can be outsourced to our
Services in India, where our data team will collect and harmonise
the data before creating them into the system under appropriate departments and catalogues.
  Vessel Budgeting System  
Application Software specially designed for the Accounting department
of a Shipping company. Designed to support all types of calculations
and the user can budget : Running Costs, Income, Profit, Financing
Costs, Credit Line, Voyage Budgeting, etc.

Consolidated budgeting for
a group of projects or group of companies and Historic Accounting
Information are included in the system.

  Payments Module  
Application software specially designed for Accounting Department.
Selection of Outstanding Payables due in certain period. Supports partial payments, on account payments and bank transfers.

Selection of Invoices, Prepayments and Credit Notes to be included at a
certain remittance. Supports Multiple banks for each Creditor for each
payment currency. Automatically creates Accounting Entry. Automatically
creates Remittance Advice Bank letter, Remittance Letter, Check etc.
Payments module can be customised to meet specifically your company

Reports: Outstanding per creditor, outstandings per currency and creditor,
list of outstanding items.

  Master's General Account  
Designed in order to facilitate the Operation Department of a shipping
company to automatically check Master's Accounts. Handles multiple
collective and individual crew agreements. Validates pay-slips received
from the Master. Processes monthly and extra allotments.

Produces wages, tax statements and records of crew ledgers. Calculates retroactive wages and updates the accounting system with relevant entries. Reports for various statistics are included. Generates automatically the list
with monthly payments.

  Vessel Crewing Software
Crewing Software for Ships
Application software specially designed for crewing departments or crew
agents. Provides historical performance record for each seaman, personal
card, seaman application, follow up.

Quick search for any combination of qualifications in seaman's personal
card and means for evaluating seaman point system reporting of past performance. Actual crew list by rank is obtained both present and past.
Actually available or not available crew by rank. Possibility of allocating
crew to vessels.

Planning Reports for on board and ashore personnel. Multiple crew list
generated for U.S. immigration and other authorities. Crew data population
into the system can be outsourced to our Services, where the relevant Crew applications, Crew Cards, certificates etc. can be prepopulated into the
database for the entire fleet.

  Voyage Estimation Software
(optional : Port Distances)
Designed to support all types of calculations associated to a Voyage
Estimation. Including a large and extensible port distances data base,
the system permits on line checking of more than one vessel for the
same job, Permits "What if" suppositions by interactive variation of all
associated figures when modifying one of the estimation parameters.
All necessary terms are already included in the system and easily retrieved.

  Voyage Operations Software  
Application Software specially designed for the operation department of
a shipping company as a decision making as well as a claims
support/ defence tool.

Performance monitoring in technical and financial terms with minimal
information required. Provides optimum passage speed calculation
with direct gain/loss calculation and optimum bunkering ports and
schedule with complete analysis and costs differentials.

Complete movements and daily reports with all specific and average figures. Charter party over/under performance evaluation in actual financial terms,
providing complete defence against claims. Informs management with
voyage financial reports and post voyage analysis. -- The function of
inputting the daily telegrams form the vessel to the system can be
outsourced to our Services, where our data centre receive these
telegrams from the client’s vessel and remotely update the system
within a specified time frame, allowing the client to view updated vessel
positions and consumptions at any point in time.

  ISM Software  
  Accident Reporter  
Recording of accidents and near-misses - Conditions, details
injuries recording - Statistical evaluations - Near miss correlation analysis - Accident causal analysis - Follow-up of accidents - Documentation control - Corrective action control - Graphical presentation of statistics.
  Safety and Audit Inspection  
Flexible definition of inspection items - Scheduling of inspections
per vessel- Planning of Inspector visits - Archiving of
inspections - Recording of Deficiencies.

(Optional: Archiving of inspections photos - Comparative/evolutionary item analysis - Quality/Safety deficiency reporting - Internal/Statutory audit follow-up).
  Drill Administrator  
Preparation of applicable drills per vessel type, flag and trade - scheduling of drills - Record Keeping - Participant recording.
  Seminar Administrator  
Scheduling of seminars - Allocation of participants - Record keeping
for execution and participation.
Our Services division in India can create the entire ISM manuals
of the Client into the ISM system with all the checks and version
control cleanly maintained. ISM forms are also created and
linked into the ISM system.

  ISM Administrator  

Our ISM package is designed so as to provide the launch platform
of the company preparation and certification to ISM requirements.
It provides the backbone of the efficient maintenance of the ISM
system once the company is certified and ensures continuity of compliance.

The degree of automation provided ensures that minimum
human intervention is required for application the closed - loop
principle of the ISM code. New tools in training and administrator
open new horizons not only in light of the ISM but in the most
efficient utilization of a company’s human resources on
board and ashore.

The basic structure of the ISM Administrator is consistent with
our Shipmanagement system for office and vessel. A complete
and integrated safety, quality and information system can be
built giving the shipping company the benefits of a unified
platform to build its competitiveness.

  ISM Manuals Administrator  
Version Control - Prior and future Version Generator - Distribution
control - Document oriented structure - Cross-referencing -
Shipboard, Professional and office manual integrated approach -
Search capability. (Optional: basic Approved Manual.)
  ISM Checklist Administrator  
Flexible specification of checklist items - version control - Distribution control - Frequency specification - Dynamic form generation from
checklist items. (Optional: Analysis of on board performance of drills
and procedures - Monitoring of safety system - Electronic transfer of
forms and results).
  ISM Training Assistant  
Preparation of training sessions - Creation of Company training
schemes - Preparation of Quiz - Evaluation of trainees - Multiple
choice interactive trainer - Manual Interactive instructor.
(Optional: basic ISM training package and quiz.).
  On-board Systems
Onboard Software for ships
Our on-board system is designed to provide ship officers with an easy and efficient tool to handle the majority of their daily administrative work.
The system relies on the “Shore based Shipmanagement” concept. Headquarters are the pivot point where information is collected.
This information is processed in conjunction with company policy and transferred back to the vessel in the form of instructions, checklists,
manuals and procedures.
Our On-Board System creates instantly all the Paper Work required according to the latest company procedures.
All required information is transmitted back to the headquarters for further processing. Implementing this unique Danaos concept, you can really
create a system that reacts instantly on any company’s policy change. The system additionally interfaces with machinery monitoring and bridge
equipment as well as with ship-to-shore communication systems.
  Spare Parts Control System  

Automatic creation of spares requisitions - Real time inventory control -
Minimum maximum stock control - Recording of spares to be repaired -
Deliveries handling with automatic inventory update.

  Provisions Control System  

Requisition creation - Inventory control - Minimum Maximum stock level
control - Deliveries handling - Spot Deliveries.

  Master’ s General Account  

Procedures payslips for all seaman according to National and contract -
Master Accounts- Cash on board - Allotments - Advances - Bonded Stores - Telegrams - Overtime etc.

  Vessel Synchronisation Module  

Application software specially designed to replicate data from vessel to
office and apply strict transactions control procedures including the
verification of business rules regarding the information received from the
office and configured for minimum ship to shore data transfer.

  On Board I.S.M.  

Safety manual search print and electronic update - Training session
presentation and quizzes - Transfer of results to headquarters- Scheduling
of Drills - Electronic write up and transfer of results. (Option : Predefined
check list and inspection forms fill up and data transfer to office.)

  Stores Control System  

Maintains records of all maintenance activities - prepares jobs plan for any
period - Allows chief engineer to update jobs completed - Creates
electronically job’s cards and the coded mail for the headquarters -
Last maintenance action reporting - Maintenance history reporting -
Emergency jobs handling - Spares usage.

  Stores Control System  

Creates Stores Requisitions - Departmental inventory control -
Minimum Maximum stock control - Deliveries handling - Spot Deliveries.

  Crewing System  

Active crew handling - Crew List preparation according to different standards - Crew qualifications and certificates handling - License seaman book and official documents expiry dates.

  Vessel Operations (Position Telegrams)  

Allows officers to electronically fill up and transmit to the office noon, arrival
and departure telegrams. (Optional : Port events log can be created according
to your company and trade standards for transmission to the office.

  ISM Checklist Generator  

On-board checklist generation and handling - Analysis of on-board procedures - Evaluation of safety system on-board - Electronic transfer of lists.

  Communications Systems and Shipping-related businesses  

Commuincations Software (Messaging and Collaboration Services)

The world of telecommunications is presently going through a period of extraordinary development. New services and technologies constantly
generate fresh opportunities especially for shipping industry. In the light of the above background, your telecommunications system will
become the basic resource for you to be truly competitive. Since external pressure and competitive threats are growing up, organizations who
use technology in innovative ways are better equipped to attack new markets more cost-efficiently and pro-actively than those who do not. This
software is based on the latest technology systems can substantially assist to solve persistent requests of companies, such as :

• Full management and control of their incoming and outgoing messages (Fax, Telex, Internet-mail, Ship to Shore Communication,
Voice-mail, Interoffice-mail, X-400, Refilers, SMS).

• Automatic Filing and Classification procedures of documents, always according to ISO’s requirements and company’s policy.

• Follow-up of workflow and of process performance.

• Easy search and quick presentation of information as per user’s request.

• Ability to forward information to other authorized users.

• Ability to immediately locate additional information, which is possibly dispersed in other documents and is relative to the initial
information requested.

• Remote access via Internet (Remote Info@GATE, Standard Web browser, Wap enable)

• Direct availability of information to the user wherever he/she is working on. (inside or outside of the company, at home, during a trip,
at the headquarters of a customer, etc.)

• Multiple security levels and absolute guarantee for top secret information whenever it is necessary.

• Keep statistics data and facilitate business decision making.

• Minimize movements of company’s files and distribution of endless stacks of paper from one desk to another.

• Decrease waste of precious time

• Reduce communication costs.

Additionally the software has been designed to provide:

• User –friendly interface under MS-Windows environment.

• HTML Editor – prepare, re-edit and transmit Internet e-mails with colour, links, embedded images, animations and sound.

• Document templates for standard messages.

• Alarm notifications with snooze option, using alert words.

• Open architecture and flexibility.

• Interfacing with other systems and subsystems.

• Support of databases (RDBMS).

• Support of intranets and Internet.

• Utilization of already existing infrastructure.

• Easy upgrade from LAN to WAN.

• Low cost of maintenance, since the software is managed by one Communication Server only.

• 24x7 Customer Support

Please contact us for the following software
Shipmanagement Software Document Management Software
Marine Accounting Software Ship Chartering Software
Bunker Purchasing Software Vessel Operations Software
Marine Crewing Software ISM Software for Ships
Ship's Planned Maintenance Software Vessel Crew Payroll Software
Vessel Bunkering Software Bulk Carrier Chartering Software
Integrated Ship Management Software Vessel Chartering Software
Offshore Crew Management Software Spares inventory on board
PMS Software for Rigs Laytime Calculations Software
Cruise Ship Maintenance Software Tanker Chartering Software
Shipbroking Software Trim Optimisation Software for Fuel Saving
Integrated Marine Software Voyage Estimation Software
Vessel Performance Monitoring Software Drydocking Software
Fully Integrated Maritime &
Offshore software solutions

What we Offer

Norcomms offers complete solutions to all the processes of the Maritime industry whether it is shipowning functions, ship management functions, ship operations, ship accounting, ship broking, ship communications, ship chartering or ship weather routing.
All the various modules are natively integrated in a robust database combined with the respective modules.
Even though the modules are tightly integrated, each of the modules can work perfectly in the stand-alone mode also.

Advantages of Fully Integrated Maritime Systems

Being integrated, each of the modules in our system talk to each other internally, which reduces the need for paperwork.
The interface is also the same for all the users in the enterprise irrespective of their department. Access to the modules is controlled by the administrator, hence only the authorised person can access a particular module.


Integrated Ship Management Software
Live Rig Monitoring Software
Vessel Monitoring Software

Integrated Shipmanagement Software

Shipmanagement Software
Integrated Headquarters Applications

  Marine Accounting and M.I.S.  
This module is designed for multi-company, multi-Group, multi-Currency accounting support. Reporting is available to perform all levels of
Consolidation. Novel architecture enables dynamic chart of Account

Support of Voyage Accounting and Analysis, Running Cost
Reporting, Cash Flow Analysis including accruals. Suitable for Ship
management, Ship owning, Ship holding Groups, Operators, Agents,
Bunker Traders, etc.

  Vessel Budgeting System  
Application Software specially designed for the Accounting department
of a Shipping company. Designed to support all types of calculations
and the user can budget : Running Costs, Income, Profit, Financing
Costs, Credit Line, Voyage Budgeting, etc.

Consolidated budgeting for
a group of projects or group of companies and Historic Accounting
Information are included in the system.

  Freight Collection Software  
Application Software specially designed for Post-fixture information,
Creating Debit Notes, Credit notes sent charterers, automatically
created vouchers for accounting and record non Debit Notes and Credit
Notes issued, recording charterer’s payments and preparing vouchers
for Accounting records etc. Keeping track of voyage revenues and expenses.

Reporting: Voyage results reports, Charterers statement-including all
movements for the specified charterer, Charterers Ageing Analysis report- Detailed, this report gives all Debit Notes, Credit Notes sent to charterer
and payments received by charterers. As the report’s name indicates,
full age analysis of outstanding amounts is given to in order to enhance
cash collection. Charterers Outstanding Analysis Report-Summary,
this report gives the total outstanding amount by voyage on T/C.

Note : Reports can be issued as per fleet category, per specified vessel and charterer, per specified vessel and specified range of charterers etc.

  Master's General Account  
Designed in order to facilitate the Operation Department of a shipping
company to automatically check Master's Accounts. Handles multiple
collective and individual crew agreements. Validates pay-slips received
from the Master. Processes monthly and extra allotments.

Produces wages, tax statements and records of crew ledgers. Calculates retroactive wages and updates the accounting system with relevant entries. Reports for various statistics are included. Generates automatically the list
with monthly payments.

  Planned Maintenance Software for ships  
Application software specially designed for maintenance monitoring on
any marine or industrial plant. Provides flexible specification of required maintenance integrating with the spares usage. Integrates maintenance
with class surveys.

Permits decoupling of maintenance continuity from personnel changes.
Semi-annual concise maintenance and survey planning and full
maintenance plan for any required period.

Spare parts usage monitoring and future requirements prediction.

Our Planned Maintenance System is approved by the IACS members.

Including :
Survey Status
Application software specially designed for vessel survey
and recommendation status monitoring. All surveys are followed up with windowing capability. Checking of survey execution within allowed
windows is automated. Technical Department is informed at any stage
about vessel's survey and recommendation status, overdue surveys and
surveys due at any future date. -- Creation of the entire PMS, related technical
forms and Survey Status into the system for the entire fleet can be
outsourced to our Services.
These services are performed by Marine Chief Engineers having extensive
sea and rank experience. -- Remote management of the PMS can also be outsourced to our Services, where our Chief Engineers will monitor,
update and maintain the system for the client, leaving just the decision
making process with the client.

  Vessel Crewing Software
Crewing Software for Ships
Application software specially designed for crewing departments or crew
agents. Provides historical performance record for each seaman, personal
card, seaman application, follow up.

Quick search for any combination of qualifications in seaman's personal
card and means for evaluating seaman point system reporting of past performance. Actual crew list by rank is obtained both present and past.
Actually available or not available crew by rank. Possibility of allocating
crew to vessels.

Planning Reports for on board and ashore personnel. Multiple crew list
generated for U.S. immigration and other authorities. Crew data population
into the system can be outsourced to our Services, where the relevant Crew applications, Crew Cards, certificates etc. can be prepopulated into the
database for the entire fleet.

  Dry-Docking Software  
Our Dry-docking Module offers the creation of the dry-docking report, the
sending to the various shipyards for quotations, the evaluation of the quotes,
the final order placement and the follow up of the jobs done during the

Has a user friendly interface, utilising the “drag & drop” functionality which is offered by the Windows. In one screen the user can select, define and
create all that is required for the Drydocking report generation.

When the shipyards receive the files then they will be able to fill up their
quotes and send them back to the office. Also the user will be able to import
the quoted prices from the yards and thereafter from our Supplies Module to
do the yard comparison. All the Dry-docking information will be saved on
separate tables and in that way the user can retrieve historical information.

  Voyage Estimation Software
(optional : Port Distances)
Designed to support all types of calculations associated to a Voyage
Estimation. Including a large and extensible port distances data base,
the system permits on line checking of more than one vessel for the
same job, Permits "What if" suppositions by interactive variation of all
associated figures when modifying one of the estimation parameters.
All necessary terms are already included in the system and easily retrieved.

  Voyage Operations Software  
Application Software specially designed for the operation department of
a shipping company as a decision making as well as a claims
support/ defence tool.

Performance monitoring in technical and financial terms with minimal
information required. Provides optimum passage speed calculation
with direct gain/loss calculation and optimum bunkering ports and
schedule with complete analysis and costs differentials.

Complete movements and daily reports with all specific and average figures. Charter party over/under performance evaluation in actual financial terms,
providing complete defence against claims. Informs management with
voyage financial reports and post voyage analysis. -- The function of
inputting the daily telegrams form the vessel to the system can be
outsourced to our Services, where our data centre receive these
telegrams from the client’s vessel and remotely update the system
within a specified time frame, allowing the client to view updated vessel
positions and consumptions at any point in time.

  Exchange Rates  
Exchange Rates is an easy to use application and contains all necessary
utilities to record, access and maintain historical and actual exchange rates.

  Synchronisation Module  

Application software specially designed to replicate data from office to
vessel and apply strict transactions control procedures including the
verification of business rules regarding the information received from
the vessel.

This design aims to guarantee the accuracy and reliability of the
corporate information preventing the crew onboard of performing
setting up work, risking the fleet wide consistency and integrity.

Our synchronisation module is totally independent of the communication
media, protocol and software system used to establish communication
between vessel and onshore locations. This concept offers your company
the flexibility to choose the most cost effective solution in the market
depending also on the operational pattern of the vessels.

For example, a tank operating at an area where mobile telephony is available
can use it instead of the expensive satellite communication. For a vessel
sitting in the port where the office is located, an updating using magnetic
media should be probably most appropriate. We have the expertise to fine
tune any communication system to our synchronisation module.

  Supply Cycle  
  Stores Control System
Application software specially designed for store supply for
shipping companies. Supports departmental division and follow up.

Provides automation of the complete supply cycle (Requisition-
Quotation-Order-Delivery-Invoice) without data transcription in any intermediate stage. Optimizes supply quantity and supplier selection process. Informs supply department with pending requisitions per department, critical stores requirements, requisition progress and
pending quotations, orders, deliveries, invoices.

Deliveries per department for time periods, historic prices. Evaluates quantity requirements with automatic units conversions. Complete
inventory with evaluation. Informs management with moving average
cash-flow requirements, covering last six months and projecting
next six.

  Spares Parts Control System  
Application Software specially designed for spare parts supply and integrated follow up for shipping and offshore companies. Provides automation of the complete supply cycle (Requisition, Quotation,
Order, Delivery, Invoice) without data transcription on any intermediate stage. Optimises supply quantities and supplier selection process.

Information is produced for the technical department and the
management. Technical department has full and easy control over requisition and order status pending quotations, orders, deliveries
and invoices. Also, complete inventory with evaluation and historical
prices paid or quoted. Management has moving average cash-flow requirements covering last six/three months and projecting next six. Complete cost analysis per system is obtained at any stage.

  Provisions Control System  
Application Software specially designed for provisions supply and
follow up for shipping companies. Provides automation of the
complete supply cycle. Requisition, quotation, order, delivery,
invoice, without data transcription on any intermediate stage.
Permits grouping per item/category and automatic substitution.

Optimises supply quantities, supplier selection, order allocation
and automatic ordering in accordance with model orders. Information
to supply department with pending requisitions critical supply dates, pending quotations, orders, deliveries. Deliveries for time period,
historic prices and actual/reference consumption analysis per
item/group. Informs management with actual/reference cost analysis
per day and man day. Shifting period cash-flow requirements covering
last six months and projecting next six.

The entire function of creating the Supply Cycle system, including but not limited to, stores and provisions catalogue creations and Machinery Spare parts catalogues can be outsourced to our
Services in India, where our data team will collect and harmonise the data before creating them into the system under appropriate departments and catalogues.

  ISM Software  
  Accident Reporter  
Recording of accidents and near-misses - Conditions, details
injuries recording - Statistical evaluations - Near miss correlation analysis - Accident causal analysis - Follow-up of accidents - Documentation control - Corrective action control - Graphical presentation of statistics.

  Safety and Audit Inspection  
Flexible definition of inspection items - Scheduling of inspections
per vessel- Planning of Inspector visits - Archiving of
inspections - Recording of Deficiencies.

(Optional: Archiving of inspections photos - Comparative/evolutionary item analysis - Quality/Safety deficiency reporting - Internal/Statutory audit follow-up).

  Drill Administrator  
Preparation of applicable drills per vessel type, flag and trade - scheduling of drills - Record Keeping - Participant recording.

  Seminar Administrator  
Scheduling of seminars - Allocation of participants - Record keeping
for execution and participation.

Our Services division in India can create the entire ISM manuals of the Client into the ISM system with all the checks and version control cleanly maintained. ISM forms are also created and
linked into the ISM system.

  ISM Administrator  

Our ISM package is designed so as to provide the launch platform
of the company preparation and certification to ISM requirements.
It provides the backbone of the efficient maintenance of the ISM
system once the company is certified and ensures continuity of compliance.

The degree of automation provided ensures that minimum
human intervention is required for application the closed - loop
principle of the ISM code. New tools in training and administrator
open new horizons not only in light of the ISM but in the most
efficient utilization of a company’s human resources on
board and ashore.

The basic structure of the ISM Administrator is consistent with
our Shipmanagement system for office and vessel. A complete
and integrated safety, quality and information system can be
built giving the shipping company the benefits of a unified
platform to build its competitiveness.

  ISM Manuals Administrator  
Version Control - Prior and future Version Generator - Distribution
control - Document oriented structure - Cross-referencing -
Shipboard, Professional and office manual integrated approach -
Search capability. (Optional: basic Approved Manual.)

  ISM Checklist Administrator  
Flexible specification of checklist items - version control - Distribution control - Frequency specification - Dynamic form generation from
checklist items. (Optional: Analysis of on board performance of drills
and procedures - Monitoring of safety system - Electronic transfer of
forms and results).

  ISM Training Assistant  
Preparation of training sessions - Creation of Company training
schemes - Preparation of Quiz - Evaluation of trainees - Multiple
choice interactive trainer - Manual Interactive instructor.
(Optional: basic ISM training package and quiz.).
  On-board Systems
Onboard Software for ships
Our on-board system is designed to provide ship officers with an easy and efficient tool to handle the majority of their daily administrative work.
The system relies on the “Shore based Shipmanagement” concept. Headquarters are the pivot point where information is collected.
This information is processed in conjunction with company policy and transferred back to the vessel in the form of instructions, checklists,
manuals and procedures.
Our On-Board System creates instantly all the Paper Work required according to the latest company procedures.
All required information is transmitted back to the headquarters for further processing. Implementing this unique Danaos concept, you can really
create a system that reacts instantly on any company’s policy change. The system additionally interfaces with machinery monitoring and bridge
equipment as well as with ship-to-shore communication systems.
  Spare Parts Control System  

Automatic creation of spares requisitions - Real time inventory control -
Minimum maximum stock control - Recording of spares to be repaired -
Deliveries handling with automatic inventory update.

  Provisions Control System  

Requisition creation - Inventory control - Minimum Maximum stock level
control - Deliveries handling - Spot Deliveries.

  Master’ s General Account  

Procedures payslips for all seaman according to National and contract -
Master Accounts- Cash on board - Allotments - Advances - Bonded Stores - Telegrams - Overtime etc.

  Vessel Synchronisation Module  

Application software specially designed to replicate data from vessel to
office and apply strict transactions control procedures including the
verification of business rules regarding the information received from the
office and configured for minimum ship to shore data transfer.

  On Board I.S.M.  

Safety manual search print and electronic update - Training session
presentation and quizzes - Transfer of results to headquarters- Scheduling
of Drills - Electronic write up and transfer of results. (Option : Predefined
check list and inspection forms fill up and data transfer to office.)

  Stores Control System  

Maintains records of all maintenance activities - prepares jobs plan for any
period - Allows chief engineer to update jobs completed - Creates
electronically job’s cards and the coded mail for the headquarters -
Last maintenance action reporting - Maintenance history reporting -
Emergency jobs handling - Spares usage.

  Stores Control System  

Creates Stores Requisitions - Departmental inventory control -
Minimum Maximum stock control - Deliveries handling - Spot Deliveries.

  Crewing System  

Active crew handling - Crew List preparation according to different standards - Crew qualifications and certificates handling - License seaman book and official documents expiry dates.

  Vessel Operations
(Position Telegrams)

Allows officers to electronically fill up and transmit to the office noon, arrival
and departure telegrams. (Optional : Port events log can be created according
to your company and trade standards for transmission to the office.

  ISM Checklist Generator  

On-board checklist generation and handling - Analysis of on-board procedures - Evaluation of safety system on-board - Electronic transfer of lists.

  Communications Systems and Shipping-related businesses  

Commuincations Software (Messaging and Collaboration Services)

The world of telecommunications is presently going through a period of extraordinary development. New services and technologies constantly
generate fresh opportunities especially for shipping industry. In the light of the above background, your telecommunications system will
become the basic resource for you to be truly competitive. Since external pressure and competitive threats are growing up, organizations who
use technology in innovative ways are better equipped to attack new markets more cost-efficiently and pro-actively than those who do not. This
software is based on the latest technology systems can substantially assist to solve persistent requests of companies, such as :

• Full management and control of their incoming and outgoing messages (Fax, Telex, Internet-mail, Ship to Shore Communication,
Voice-mail, Interoffice-mail, X-400, Refilers, SMS).

• Automatic Filing and Classification procedures of documents, always according to ISO’s requirements and company’s policy.

• Follow-up of workflow and of process performance.

• Easy search and quick presentation of information as per user’s request.

• Ability to forward information to other authorized users.

• Ability to immediately locate additional information, which is possibly dispersed in other documents and is relative to the initial
information requested.

• Remote access via Internet (Remote Info@GATE, Standard Web browser, Wap enable)

• Direct availability of information to the user wherever he/she is working on. (inside or outside of the company, at home, during a trip,
at the headquarters of a customer, etc.)

• Multiple security levels and absolute guarantee for top secret information whenever it is necessary.

• Keep statistics data and facilitate business decision making.

• Minimize movements of company’s files and distribution of endless stacks of paper from one desk to another.

• Decrease waste of precious time

• Reduce communication costs.

Additionally the software has been designed to provide:

• User –friendly interface under MS-Windows environment.

• HTML Editor – prepare, re-edit and transmit Internet e-mails with colour, links, embedded images, animations and sound.

• Document templates for standard messages.

• Alarm notifications with snooze option, using alert words.

• Open architecture and flexibility.

• Interfacing with other systems and subsystems.

• Support of databases (RDBMS).

• Support of intranets and Internet.

• Utilization of already existing infrastructure.

• Easy upgrade from LAN to WAN.

• Low cost of maintenance, since the software is managed by one Communication Server only.

• 24x7 Customer Support

Please contact us for the following software
Shipmanagement Software Document Management Software
Marine Accounting Software Ship Chartering Software
Bunker Purchasing Software Vessel Operations Software
Marine Crewing Software ISM Software for Ships
Ship's Planned Maintenance Software Vessel Crew Payroll Software
Vessel Bunkering Software Bulk Carrier Chartering Software
Integrated Ship Management Software Vessel Chartering Software
Offshore Crew Management Software Spares inventory on board
PMS Software for Rigs Laytime Calculations Software
Cruise Ship Maintenance Software Tanker Chartering Software
Shipbroking Software Trim Optimisation Software for Fuel Saving
Integrated Marine Software Voyage Estimation Software
Vessel Performance Monitoring Software Drydocking Software

Remote Rig Data and Performance Monitoring Live Monitoring of Offshore Rigs and Vessels

Live Rig Performance and Data Monitoring

To know more about many other features of the Remote Rig Monitoring Solutions, please contact us.

Remote Bunker Monitoring
Bunker Fuel Consumption Remote Montoring

Remote Bunker Monitoring

Live Vessel Monitoring

To know more about many other features of the Remote Bunker Monitoring Solutions, please contact us.
